YAP Revamp Works

The creator of Yankee Air Pirate, John Shelton, passed away in 2019, only a few month after his right-hand man, Mike Figursky.

As a tribute to the unbelievable heritage they left by creating this amazing serie of mods, a Team of friends, fans and enthusiasts was created in 2021, with the intention to keep the project alive and to update it to the Second Generation version of the original game, from Wings over Vietbam to Strike Fighters 2 – Vietnam.

In 2022 the YAP-RW Team announced the first remake of John Shelton’s masterpiece, YAP-RW – Phase One: a free downloadable package with 110 missions spacing between training and combat sorties mostly reconstructing the first part of the Vietnam Air War, from 1954 to 1965, plus some extras and bonus and all the helicopter missions released with the original YAP3 sets.

While the first remake was released in a section of this website, in 2024 the YAP-RW Team created an indipendent homepage and moved there all its contents. You can visit it here:

Yankee Air Pirate – Revamp Works

You can also follow the Project in the Facebook Group: click here to join