441024 Robert Barnes

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Robert Barnes



2 x AN-MK1
2 x 500lb Bomb

2 X 20MM M2


At 08:00 on 24 October, the Center Force was spotted and attacked entering the Sibuyan Sea by VF-20 squadron Hellcat fighters, VB-20 Helldiver bombers, and VT-20 Avenger torpedo bombers from USS Enterprise of Halsey’s Third Fleet.
Planes from carriers Intrepid and Cabot of Bogan’s group attacked at about 10:30, making hits on the battleships Nagato, Yamato, Musashi and severely damaging the heavy cruiser Myoko

Game Play

Depart and climb on autopilot course to the find and sink Musashi.

Aircraft Animation Controls

Animations Pilot Canopy = 9

Gunner Canopy = 10

Wingfold =8

SingleTrapeze =7