450106 Sekicho Squadron Lingayen Gulf

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20MM TYPE99-2


Battle of Lingayen Gulf

On October 21, 1944, the first Army special attack squadron, named Banda, was formed at Hokota Air Base by order without any request for volunteers (Fukahori 2001, 98-9; Nagasawa 2004, 110-1). The 18 men of the Special Attack Corps 6th Hakko Squadron (also known as Sekicho Squadron) received orders at Shimoshizu Air Base on November 6, 1944, with 17 men later dying in special attacks (Toshio Yoshitake in Tokkou 2006, 134-5; Osuo 2005, 191). The 62nd Sentai formed a special attack squadron of three Sakura-dan Ki-167 heavy bombers with 18 men by announcing the assignment and having written that “attack will be special attack” on a blackboard without asking for volunteers (Hayashi 2005, 68-73).

Depart and climb on autopilot course to the find and engage the USS Columbia. Just prior to impact, drop the bomb on the ship.

Aircraft Animation Controls

Canopy Open/Close =9