1984 1218 Pin Luang Burma




Spray opium poppy plantings in the vicinity of Pin Luang, Burma.


Ayers T-65


US State Department, Bureau of International Narcotics Matters


500 gallons 2-4,D herbicide/water mixture.

Delivery Parameters

Pull trigger to spray.


In 1983, the State Department turned to Ayers Corporation to build the the T-65 Turbine Thrush. Nine were sold to the Department of State between 1983 and 1985. In 1984, experimental spraying was conducted in Burma.  Although the herbicide 2-4,D certainly killed the poppies, the Burmese military was more interested in how these aircraft could be used to kill their enemies.


Game Play

Depart Heho air field and fly south. Follow the waypoints until the target crops start to appear. Spray whatever you can. If they start shooting, head for base and check your score.

Aircraft Animation Controls: See Preflight screen at mission start.

